neely fuller jr. and the 9 major areas of activity

Neely Fuller Jr. and The Nine Major Areas of People Activity, Education

Neely Fuller Jr. and The Nine Major Areas of People Activity, Education

For this week’s show, we decided to do a follow up on one of our most successful shows to date. Hear 2 Help will once again tackle Neely Fuller Jr’s work, The United-Independent Compensatory Code/System/Concept Textbook and what he describes as the 9 Major Areas of People Activity. Today’s focus will solely be on the 2nd Area of Activity, Education.

United Independent Compensatory Code/System/Concept

On our first show, we reviewed the 10 Basic Stops Victims of White Supremacy should practice. This time around, we be dissecting Nelly Fuller’s thoughts on education; his insightful quotes help to reiterate thoughts that have promoted great men like Marcus Garvey, and Malcom X to be the legacies they have become.

As always, we have presented notes below.

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2nd Major Area: Education

In this section, we will be displaying the notes from Neely Fuller’s book, that was used for today’s show. It should be noted that, everything discussed is simply a suggestion and that:

No person should speak and/or act according to any suggestion presented herein unless he or she has judged that the suggestion chosen is of current and correct value in helping to eliminate Racism (White Supremacy), and/or, in helping to better promote justice.

Try to learn something about everything. Take an interest in everything that happens, and in everything that exists in the universe.

Reason(s)/Explanation(s) :

All people, both white and non-white, have persons among them who have great knowledge and understanding of many, many things. But non-white people do not consolidate and constructively utilize, and efficiently exchange, the variety of things that they learn from time to time.

They do not record and “store” what they learn. They allow what they learn to “filter away”. They do not pass on constructive information willingly, deliberately, constantly, and efficiently, to those who need it most .

This is one of the reasons much of what non-white people once “knew” was “lost“, and/or forgotten.

Non-white people, generally, have no great desire to know everything there is to know about the universe . They have no great desire to dominate the universe and all that is in it, or a part of it .

They are mostly, content to “survive” in it.

Study what you learn about White Supremacy, and use what you learn in a manner that helps to promote justice and correctness.


It is correct for all victims of White Supremacy to know and understand all that the White Supremacists teach, as well as why they teach what they teach.

Knowledge is neutral. It is how knowledge is used, and for what purpose it is used, that determines it’s value.

Teach (smaller/younger) people the truth about everything that you know about economics, education, entertainment, labor, law, politics, religion, sex, and war.


Teach them in such manner that they fully understand what you are saying.

Tell them that the correct purpose for learning about anything, at anytime, is to use what is learned to help produce justice and correctness.

Learning truth (that which is), and, promoting justice (balance between people), and promoting correctness (balance between people and things other than people) is the best basic investment for any people, any place in the known universe.

Study the past (history) for one basic purpose:

To learn about the mistakes that were made in the past, so as to be better prepared not to make the same type mistakes in the future.


All people should learn about all of the mistakes that were made by all the people who existed before them. They should learn about all of the things that should not have been done, by people, in all areas of activity.

Practice making and keeping written notes of all possibly useful ideas as swiftly as they come to mind.


Record them under the nine (9) distinct areas of activity. Keep a reference file, and/or a listing of titles and authors of all publications which are, or may be, of basic value in helping to produce knowledge and understanding that can be used constructively.

Then, by utilizing the best of your knowledge and understanding, translate these essentials into “codes” for thought, speech, and/or action, for everyday use.

Study words and/or terms in order to learn their:

Current definitions, past definitions, “double” meanings, “philosophical” meanings, etc.


Give these words and/or terms the most accurate compensatory definitions that you can think of, that, when used, will best reveal and/or promote truth, justice, and/or correctness. Try to use words that promote knowledge and understanding in a simpler and more efficient manner.

Speak and write precisely, clearly, simply, and constructively.

Avoid the use of unnecessary words. Avoid the use of “slang” expressions.


The most constructive forms of speaking and writing are those forms that reveal a maximum amount of information with a minimum of confusion and “wasted” words.

Before speaking and/or writing about any matter of basic importance, plan everything that you are going to say, and how you are going to say it. Always arrange for enough time to do it correctly. Always speak and/or write in a manner that is both simple and effective.


It is better to say nothing, than to say something in a manner that produces misunderstanding of what is said.

Every word that a person uses should be chosen carefully.

The “value” of a word or an act can only be measured by the effect of the word or act. Every word, like every act should be especially designed to accomplish a correct objective or effect.

A word is a tool, and like any other tool should always be used to accomplish a just and correct objective.

Increase your will power by knowledge and understanding.


Where does will power come from?

Will power comes through knowledge and understanding of truth (that which is), justice (balance between people), and correctness (balance between people, and things other than people).

Will power also comes through knowledge and understanding of the opposite – falsehood, non-justice, and incorrectness.

Use your “education” only for the correct purpose. Use all that you learn in such manner as to best promote justice and correctness.


The correct purpose for learning anything is to help a person to find truth, and to use truth in a manner that best promotes justice and correctness, at all times, in all places, in all areas of activity.

“Education” should not be used to treat people unjustly.

The greater a person’s knowledge and understanding, the greater is that person’s responsibility to speak and act in support of the use of truth to help produce justice and correctness.

Study and practice ways of improving your memory. Put what you learn into effective practice.


An efficient memory is essential to an effective education. To learn and not remember is not to learn.

Education without application is useless.